好文网 > 活动范文 > 活动主持稿 > 公司年会英文主持词


时间: 小龙 活动主持稿



Man: - go for the future,

Female: - bring good luck.

Man: 20 -- has waved goodbye to us

Female: 20 -- step forward

Male: distinguished leaders

Female: Dear colleagues

Good afternoon, everyone!

Man: I'm the host--

Woman: I'm the host---

Man: it's a great honor to be here with you on the occasion of the annual meeting,

Female: first of all, I would like to say hello to you. I wish you good health, good work, good fortune, good play, good fun, and a little applause? (the host applauded)

Man: standing at the end of the year, we look back at the past. There are too many touching stories in the past

Female: standing at the beginning of the year, we look forward to the future. There are more expectations and dreams in the future

Man: on this day of carrying forward the past and opening up the future, we hold a happy and peaceful annual meeting to celebrate our achievements and look forward to our future

Female: at the same time, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all of you

He: you have worked hard! (bows)

Man: now I announce

Male: -- group 20 -- annual meeting.

Together: official start!

(if there is an opening performance, come on now and the performance begins)

Man: next, let's give a speech with warm applause!

Woman: Thank you for your wonderful speech!

Female: -, how many years have you been in our group?

Man: counting this year, it has been - years

Woman: Well, it's been a long time, but our group has been - years old. At that time, I was a junior high school student, and you were a primary school student! (specific changes)

Man: Yes!

Woman: do you know the achievements of the group?

Man: I know (- --- introduction part)

Woman: it's very good. Let me test you. Let's play a small game to answer the group's related questions, such as performance, special year, and so on. Please provide your own answers here) (about 3 questions are enough)

Man: these brilliant achievements are inseparable from the support of all colleagues present here. Please give your applause to yourself and everyone (take the lead in clapping)

After that, the literary and artistic programs began (according to the specific program string words)

Male: (sensational, explosive)

Woman: it's not enough! But please be quiet and enjoy---


Woman: half way through the annual meeting, our audience should also have an activity! So let's start our game time. It's called --.

Man: people


Close out

I'm not very diligent.

Woman: a hundred boats compete for the best, and a thousand sails compete for the best.

Man: Unforgettable 20 years, we walked together. Looking forward to the 20th century, we welcome together. Woman: the happy time always passes quickly, although the gathering is short, the friendship is infinite!

Man: here, I wish our group will continue to forge ahead in the new year, ride the wind and waves, and achieve better results!

Female: thank all the cast members who have worked hard for this evening party, and all the guests and friends who attended the annual meeting.

Man: This is the end of today's annual meeting. Once again, I wish you a happy new year, all the best and all the best!


Man: Dear colleagues. Good evening, guys.

Woman: in the golden autumn, the fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans, in this big day of national celebration.

Man: stop! Stop - stop! I read less, you don't cheat me, listen to you say so, I instantly feel my whole people are confused!

Woman: what's the matter? On this happy day.

Man: I said, can we still have fun together? This evening is the time for many departments of Shanghai Yihong group company to get together and share the year-end grand meeting. You are both osmanthus and fragrant. What's the matter? Together with you, you are holding a rabbit on the osmanthus tree. After the Mid Autumn Festival and the 11th National Day, how do you want to spend the Spring Festival together? Big day? After that, you plan to live in the tree? Monkey!?

Woman: ouch, I hate it. I don't mean that. I'm very happy and excited when I see a small group of us together

Man: talk well!

Woman: good! Hello, guys. I'm Guan Yan, the host of the party today.

Man: Hello guys, I'm Bao Erchao, the host of the party today.

Together: I wish you a happy new year and all the best!


Pause for 2 seconds

Man: standing at the end of the year, we look back to the past. There are too many touching stories in the past.

Female: standing at the beginning of the year, we look forward to the future. There are more expectations and dreams in the future.

Man: on this day of carrying forward the past and opening up the future, we hold a happy and peaceful annual meeting to celebrate our achievements, look forward to our future and look back on our past.

Woman: on this happy day.

Man: that's enough. I just want to be a beautiful man quietly. (Garland finger movement) please introduce the process of our party.

The evening party is divided into two parts: welcome and entertainment.

Female: in the interactive link, there are many kinds of prizes prepared by the company for our friends. I hope you can actively participate and win the prizes. I wish you all a good harvest!

Man: it's better to hit than to choose. Let's play a game first. All the friends present have it. Raise your left hand (note that it must be your left hand), and then raise your right hand. Yes, then clap with both hands. OK, thank you for clapping for me.

Woman: Er Chao, you are so naughty, do your family know? OK, let's go to the party.

Male: Inheriting yesterday's Huazhang, Kai Yihong Xinhang, Yihong group's 20-year new year meeting officially begins. First of all, let's welcome Chairman Liu Dong of the group company to give an opening speech.

Mr. Liu delivered a speech and announced Jiacheng real estate spring festival annual meeting. Officially!


Host man 1: leaders and guests!

Hostess 1: Ladies and gentlemen

Host Man 2: and all the friends at the scene:

Hostess 2: Ladies and gentlemen

Good evening! (bows)

Host man 1: today is the month, the lunar calendar, the month, and the day. Tonight, all the staff of our company will hold the year-end Gala of "annual gratitude and feedback" here.

Hostess 1: I'm very excited. We're here again. Tonight we're going to have a happy gathering here, singing and dancing. We're going to show our most beautiful side -- human style.

Host Man 2: Thank you very much to all the employees who have worked hard for our company in the past few years. With your hard work, we can have the glory of our company today and the reunion of our brothers and sisters.

Hostess 2: Yes, in the development of the company, there are your blood and sweat, and your feelings for the company. All these are in our mind. Only we make the best products and give you the best return with customers' praise and market performance!

Host man 1: a thousand words, only a heart, a grateful heart, here, all of our hosts on behalf of the company to express to you the most sincere, thank you! (you can all step forward and bow!)

Hostess 1: with the coming of the new year, the new year is about to pass. Tonight, we will put down all our working mood and have fun together! Now I announce the official start of the year-end Gala of "annual gratitude and feedback"!


A: Dear company leaders

B: distinguished guests

A: Dear colleagues

B: dear friends

Good afternoon, everyone.

A: now we are holding the annual meeting of the company 20. I'm the host.

B: I'm the host. I'm very happy to celebrate this happy, relaxed and wonderful moment with you! First of all, congratulations.

He: good health, all the best!

B: through the past, the sweat of struggle has just been wiped away. Looking back on the journey, the smile of victory is spreading. Hand in hand tonight, sing the glorious and moving journey. Looking forward to the Ming Dynasty, partners, let's walk hand in hand. A song sings the love in the heart, a dance dances the blood heroic, a poem composes the bold and resolute, has you all the way. Persistence, dream, pursuit, unity, we burn the heart together for incense, the peak lead jump! Dreams never stop.

A: great changes have taken place in our company in the past year. It not only established the trade union organization and won the title of excellent supplier, but also created good performance for the company because of everyone's efforts. With the active participation of all leaders and all staff, we held two short distance trips and returned safely. Under the organization of staff representatives, we held interesting games and the first ball games, which showed the talents of all staff.


A: the stars are shining tonight. No one sleeps tonight. The happy time is always short. The new year is coming to us.

B: when we say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, we are always full of mixed feelings and thoughts. Tonight's gathering has given us such a happy time. We hope for a better start tomorrow.

A: dear friends, this is the end of the group's Spring Festival Gala performance and lucky draw. Now, I'd like to announce that the winner of tonight's performance is: --, and will receive a prize.

B: Thank you again for your presence. Thank you! Happy New Year! Family health!

A: let's meet again next year! Thank you. bye.


Male:distinguished leaders

Female: colleagues

Happy New Year!

Man: Thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to host today's party.

Female: Yes, we have carefully arranged a few small programs. Please enjoy them later. At the same time, I hope that all leaders and colleagues will take the initiative to perform impromptu.

Male: here, please allow me to say goodbye to all the leaders and colleagues. Best wishes to you

He: happy new year, happy family, smooth work and all the best!

Man: with the flying snow in the year of Taurus and the spring breeze dancing, the wheel of time carries us all the way, ushering in the year of.

Woman: looking back at the fruitful --- let's open the door of hope with gratitude and expectation! At this moment, we feel the breath of spring.

Man: on this night of spring, we will talk around the stove, share the joy of the harvest in the past year, and spend this wonderful time together.

Woman: it's a happy get-together and a reunion. Today, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us. Let's give you a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks with applause!